Continuing with the series on how to misuse velocity, the second anti-pattern I would like to highlight is when teams start making up points. Because the definition of velocity is so simple, it’s easy to game the metric to show what looks like apparent progress. If a team is being measured on velocity (more about this on later posts), it’s quite easy to just start increasing estimates: “If we just double all estimates, the relative sizes stay the same, but our velocity doubles!“. This is an extreme behaviour that would be quickly noticed as a discrepancy, but the same thing could happen in a smaller scale and pass unnoticed.

This problem can not only be originated from the team, but I’ve also seen Project Managers/Scrum Masters coming up with “clever” ways of making up points to count as velocity:

  • Counting percentage or half points (as mentioned in my previous post)
  • Deciding to split a story to count the partially finished work as complete, and track whatever is left in a separate story (splitting should be business-driven and not tracking-driven: it should only happen when you come up with simpler/incremental ways of delivering value in smaller chunks)
  • Counting points on technical tasks. I’ve seen a team that spent a lot of effort in an iteration to make up for accumulated technical debt, and did not have a lot of time to work on new stories. The Project Manager decided to come up with a “refactoring card” and gave it a 16 to try and demonstrate how much effort was spent on such refactoring
  • Counting points for in-release bug fixing. In a team, stories were deemed completed on the first iteration, but bugs started to show up in later iterations, impacting he team’s ability to deliver new functionality. Instead of allowing the decrease in velocity to demonstrate how the lack of focus on quality was impacting the team (bugs should be prevented in the first place, right?), the Project Manager decided to estimate and count points on bugs, which kept velocity apparently constant, when in fact a lot less value was being delivered

The next time you catch yourself asking “Should X count as velocity?”, stop, reflect, and ask instead “Should I worry about X happening at all?”. If you are worried about having to track or show progress on things that should be embedded parts of the process (such as activities to prevent bugs or refactoring), chances are that the problem lies somewhere else. Some of these questions might make as much sense as “Should time spent on retrospectives count as velocity?” or “Should going to the bathroom count as velocity?” :-)

I’m sure that these examples drawn from my personal experience are just a few examples of how to make up points and misuse velocity. What other similar experiences did you have in your own projects?

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