April 7th, 2008Git tip for Brazilians
While working with Git on my current project, my pair and I noticed a source of waste when synchronizing with the master repository: in Portuguese “Puxe” means pull, which sounds exactly like push, but with the opposite meaning. Push in Portuguese is “Empurre”. Because of that, it always take me a few seconds before figuring out which command to execute. Since we are all for eliminating waste, here’s the visual solution in our pairing station… :-)
April 7th, 2008 at 10:24 am
New live, same problems ^.^.
Is GIT a nice version controller? You know that here in Brazil we use subversion most part of the times. I have never seen GIT, does it worth a try?
April 9th, 2008 at 6:17 am
One of the most useful posts i’ve seen for a while. :)
Just printed a version for placing at my desktop :)
April 9th, 2008 at 6:20 am
@fabs: Git is very-very cool! You should definetely take a look at it if you can. Not sure if you’re following the discussions, but most of the Ruby/Rails project are moving to Git and Rails itself made the move last week!