In this page I will keep the slides and material from my presentations
Software Craftsmanship Atlanta Meetup (March 2012)
- Refactoring at Large: talk at the Atlanta Software Craftsmanship Meetup [Slides]
QCon São Paulo 2011 (September 2011)
- Refatoração em Larga Escala: talk about refactoring at large at QCon SP (in Portuguese) [Slides]
Agile Brazil 2011 (June 2011)
- Gerenciando sua dÃvida técnica: presented at AgileBrazil 2011 (in Portuguese) [Slides]
- Slicing and dicing your user stories: co-presented with Jenny Wong at AgileBrazil 2011 [Slides]
- Refactoring Katas: Lightning talk at AgileBrazil 2011 (in Portuguese) [Slides]
XP 2010 (June 2010)
- Inception Workshop – Kickstarting an Agile workshop: presented with Jenny Wong at XP 2010
Agile 2009 (August 2009)
- The Lean Lego Game: workshop presented with Francisco Trindade at Agile 2009Â [Materials]
XP 2009 (July 2009)
Falando em Agile (October 2008)
- Agilidade de Tartaruga – Métodos Ãgeis Encontram o Mundo Real: presentation about Agile adoption anti-patterns at Falando em Agile in São Paulo, Brazil (in Portuguese) [Slides]
Agiles 2008 (October 2008)
- The Lean Lego Game: workshop presented at Agiles 2008 in Buenos Aires, Argentina [Slides]
Rails Summit Latin America (October 2008)
- REST and the rest of the internet at Rails Summit Latin America [Slides]
- Lessons Learned about Testing at Rails Summit Latin America (in Portuguese) [Slides]
Café com Tom (September 2008)
- BDD with RSpec in Ruby: webinar at Café com Tom (in Portuguese) [Slides|Video]
Agile 2008 (August 2008)
- Coding Dojo: an environment for learning and sharing Agile practices at Agile 2008 [Slides]
Café com Tom (July 2008)
- Merb: web development in Ruby without Rails: webinar at Café com Tom (in Portuguese) [Slides|Video]
Rio on Rails (Dec 2007)
- An introduction to BDD and RSpec at Rio On Rails (in Portuguese) [Slides|Code|Final Code|Notes]
WebDevCamp SP (Dec 2007)
- Why not (not test)?: a 20 minutes introduction to testing practices presented at WebDevCamp SP’07 (in Portuguese) [Slides]
RejectConf SP (Nov 2007)
- RSpec and RSpec on Rails: a 20 minutes introduction to BDD and RSpec presented at RejectConf SP’07 (in Portuguese) [Slides|Code|Notes]
Conexão Java (Nov 2007)
- Agile Methods for the Traditional Guy: a 1:30 hours introduction to Agile Methods at Conexão Java ’07 (in Portuguese) [Slides]
PyConBrasil[3] (Aug 2007)
- TDD Workshop: presented with RBP a 3 hours workshop introducing Test-Driven Development in Python at Joinville, SC (in Portuguese) [Slides|Code]
XP 2007 (Jun 2007)
- Tracking the Evolution of Object-Oriented Quality Metrics on Agile Projects: presenting my technical paper in Como, Italy [Slides]
- Agile Development from a Scrum Master’s Perspective (Apr 2007): a seminar about my experience attending the Certified Scrum Master training (in Portuguese) [Slides]
- Tic-Tac-Toe with Test-Driven Development (Nov 2006): a hands-on presentation introducing Test-Driven Development in Python to students of the “Advanced Topics of Object-Oriented Programming” class, presented at the University of São Paulo (USP) (in Portuguese) [Slides|Code]
- Agile 2006 (Sep 2006): A seminar about my experiences as a student volunteer at Agile 2006, presented at the University of São Paulo (USP) (in Portuguese) [Slides]
- Extreme Programming 2nd Edition (Mar 2006): A seminar about the second edition of Kent Beck’s book “Extreme Programming Explained”, presented at the University of São Paulo (USP) (in Portuguese) [Slides 1|Slides 2]
- Version Control with CVS (Mar 2006): an introduction to version control concepts and Eclipse’s CVS features presented at the São Paulo Legislative Assembly (ALESP) (in Portuguese) [Slides]
- Testing with JUnit (Feb 2006): An introduction to the JUnit framework presented at the São Paulo Legislative Assembly (ALESP) (in Portuguese) [Slides]